Trailblazers provides mentoring and practical support to c. 130 offenders (18-35 years) annually, both in prison, leading up to their release and for a further period in the community post-release. We work in the Southeast and Staffordshire.

Our core service is mentoring, provided by a large cohort of volunteers. This is augmented by practical support to ensure the basics for re-settlement are in place. We have a range of community partners we collaborate with, offering employment preparation sessions and pathways into employment.

Our key outcome is to stop re-offending. Our work encourages, educates, and inspires mentees to shape their own futures and achieve full, varied, and independent lives through employment, training, and education and to make a positive impact on their families and communities by not reoffending.

For more information about Trailblazers visit their website:

QUOTE FROM Trailblazers:

“We are very grateful for the funding from CABWI which has enabled the Trailblazers to continue to provide quality mentoring services and offer practical assistance to those we support pre and post release from prison, giving them the best chance to rebuild their lives”.

Quote from beneficiary:

“It was nice to be able to chat with someone who is not family but who is also not associated with the prison. My mentor helped me with my CV, to look for different job options, helped me get ready for the job search process and just generally supported me, and kept me going along the way. Trailblazer’s have helped me get my life back on track and get key things that you need to stay out of prison – a job, future education, support.”